
Independence day - ha ha.
Whose independence?

As I have understood it's only the Politicians’ independence; actually to be precise it's Indian Govt’s …. but all Indians celebrate this day without even understanding its true significance. Do you have the freedom to do whatever you love or like? Do you have the freedom to choose your career? of getting married to the person you love? Do you (if you are a girl) have the freedom to roam around anywhere without fear - in your so called Independent Country? Do you have the freedom to choose your religion? Government wont say anything but there would be chaos in the social fabric if we choose our own religion. And by the way, you have to have a religion in India, because atheism is not an option. If the government doesn’t say anything, society won’t let you live without a religious belief. Do you have the freedom of wearing what you are comfortable in? Do you have freedom to release movies of expressing any social issues? (e.g. Udta Punjab) etc etc etc… I don't think the answers to these questions are always Yes or for everyone it is yes. For a girl it is very rarely YES!!

So can anyone tell me what difference does it make to live in a so called Independent Country? Ministers and Politicians exercise their freedom and might to make a fool out of the public and fill their own pockets. Can anybody google the meaning of the term “Minister”? It simply means servant. The one who serves the public to represent them regionally. Now tell me which minister is nowadays approachable by the public? If public wants to raise an issue or raise slogans or does a peaceful demonstration, they’re not taken in the right spirit rather a law and order situation is first created and then the public voice is suppressed. Politicians are not our representatives or servants rather we’re their GULAM because we the public are stupid and as somebody once said, “Stupidity is the worst enemy of Democracy”. Can any political leader reply to this and claim that everything is alright with this country and if not what are they doing about to bring a social change for the masses.

Shout out your comments !!!!!



Unknown said…
Very well written Katare girl.. These questions are unanswerable by them for sure.. Keep writing such stuffs.. 👍🤗
Unknown said…
Keep up the good work.. ❣️
Thank you so much... will try my best in all ways